The puppet theater-museum of the Opra of Acireale, created entirely by the puppeteer Turi Grasso and his family, has represented a great historical-cultural heritage for the city of Acireale in recent decades.
Unique in its kind, the theater-museum brings together the best works created by Turi in his fifty years of activity, together with precious puppets and relics from the late nineteenth century, Catanese-style backdrops, heads and theatrical scenography from the puppet theater of Acireale.
Visited by thousands of tourists, students, and enthusiasts of Sicilian traditions, the puppet theater of maestro Turi Grasso is certainly to be considered a corner of history and true art, as well as a window on our Sicilian nature.
The large theatrical scenes, the posters presenting the episodes of the History of the Paladins, the puppets, the stage curtain, the stage with its control desk, typical of the Acireale tradition, the large fresco of San Michele Arcangelo, fully and long live the work and the work that the only puppeteer operating in Acireale wanted to achieve for himself, for his family and for his Acireale.
Don't miss the opportunity to attend an ancient Sicilian show or entertainment recognized as a UNESCO intangible heritage site, which will not fail to entertain the little ones as well as the older ones.
A dive into honor and chivalric values.
Can be organized every Thursday and Friday in the months of: June, July, August and September.
Possibility of transfers to/from the holiday home where you are staying